Bauer (235)

Наши хоккейные бренды

Bauer Supreme MACH TI Ice Hockey Skates Intermediate

1,243 / 5,000 Translation results The MACH skate is a completely new developed skate for the pro/elite player. with this ice skate, powerful skating is the order of the day. The AMP Flex Facing, a special flex zone between the second and third eyelet, makes forward movement easier and allows more freedom of movement.




Bauer Vapor X5 Pro Ice Hockey Skates (without runner) Senior

What separates good players from great ones isn’t how they shoot. It’s how they skate. Having the right skates will push you as a player and help you play a cut above the rest. This skate caters to the elite level player looking to boost their on-ice performance and find value on and off the ice.




Bauer Pro Goalie Skates Intermediate

Features new STANCEFLEX PRO with CURV quarter which allows for flexibility and movement, but major stability and structure down low. The comfort collar fit has been adjusted to be more anatomical, durability is improved with new PRO Laces, and there’s a reinforced liner. Features LS5g runner but now in the goalie specific AGILITY profile.




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Bauer является единственным брендом в мире хоккея, производящим весь ассортимент экипировки для игры в хоккей. Продукция бренда сочетает в себе традиции игры и новейшие технологии. Bauer – признанный лидер по производству коньков. На сегодняшний день коньки Bauer – эталон современных ледовыхконьков. Собственно с проектирования и изготовления коньков началась большая история компании в далеком 1927 году.