Warrior Koncept Handschuhe Senior

Artikelnummer: warrior-HG13KON2 BK OSZ

So you want maximum protection and the manual dexterity to grab the stick? And you want it all in seven different color combos? A little demanding, aren’t you? Not to worry. We gotcha covered. We’ve combined lightweight foam protection with the Clarino Smart Palm for excellent finger grip and V-Tek™ moisture wicking ventilation technology to keep your hands dry. All that together in one glove. What a Koncept! ...

Warrior Koncept Handschuhe Senior

Artikelnummer: warrior-HG13KON2 BK OSZ

So you want maximum protection and the manual dexterity to grab the stick? And you want it all in seven different color combos? A little demanding, aren’t you? Not to worry. We gotcha covered. We’ve combined lightweight foam protection with the Clarino Smart Palm for excellent finger grip and V-Tek™ moisture wicking ventilation technology to keep your hands dry. All that together in one glove. What a Koncept! ...



So you want maximum protection and the manual dexterity to grab the stick? And you want it all in seven different color combos? A little demanding, aren’t you? Not to worry. We gotcha covered. We’ve combined lightweight foam protection with the Clarino Smart Palm for excellent finger grip and V-Tek™ moisture wicking ventilation technology to keep your hands dry. All that together in one glove. What a Koncept!

Lightweight low volume fitted performance
Dual-layered foam with plastic insert protection

Spielalter Senior (Sr)
Zusammenfassung der Bewertung
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