Warrior Bonafide Ellbogenschutz Senior

Artikelnummer: warrior-BONEPS11 WBBS

Get Bonafide bone-saving protection with the Bonafide Elbow Pads. Combined with the rest of the Bonafide protective line, you’ll almost forget your opponent is picking at you. ...

Warrior Bonafide Ellbogenschutz Senior

Artikelnummer: warrior-BONEPS11 WBBS

Get Bonafide bone-saving protection with the Bonafide Elbow Pads. Combined with the rest of the Bonafide protective line, you’ll almost forget your opponent is picking at you....



Get Bonafide bone-saving protection with the Bonafide Elbow Pads. Combined with the rest of the Bonafide protective line, you’ll almost forget your opponent is picking at you.

Sectioned forearm slash protection built of high-density foams and plastic inserts
Elbow cradle fit secures arm

Spielalter Senior (Sr)
Zusammenfassung der Bewertung
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